Relationship Status: Not Pertanent

So I wouldn’t consider myself as president of the Anti-Valentine’s day committee. Heck, I probably can’t even consider myself a member. I love Valentines Day. And call me crazy, but I kind of enjoy being single on Valentine’s Day. Just hear me out…

Growing up, Valentine’s day was always about my family. It meant heart-shaped pancakes, cookies and candy for breakfast. I’d go to school and get those cute little valentines candies in a shoebox, only to come home and trade my snickers for my brother’s skittles. At the end of the long day, I would cozy up with my chocolates on the couch by the fireplace, while my mom and my brothers danced in the kitchen to Norah Jones. From my view on the couch, I had the opportunity to capture that picture-perfect view of true love. And it was just dancing around my kitchen. This, I knew, was Valentine’s day. Being goofy with the people I’m fortunate enough to share my life with.

This Valentine’s Day, is very very different to what I just illustrated. I am hundreds of miles away from my family, watching the snow and drinking coffee in my freezing cold dorm room attempting to focus on my homework.

But I’m totally satisfied with this.

I’ve spent the day focusing on my life. I’ve taken a step back to examine how much has changed in just short of three months, and how lucky I am to have such a simple and beautiful life. I am truly in love with what my life has become. Despite all the pain and struggle I’ve ben forced to endure, i’ve befriended some incredibly caring people along the way. (Shoutout to my sister, Kersten, for always being strong for me when I’m at my absolute worst. I Love You.)

This year, Valentine’s Day has a whole new meaning. It’s a time to reflect on the love I’ve been shown in the past, and to focus on the support i have been smothered with these past few months specifically. On this day centered around love, I see too many young girls broken up and wounded because of this idea that Valentine’s Day was designed to smite the singles. I challenge you to rise above it. Put down the chocolates and Ice cream. Turn off the RomComs, And call your friends and families just to tell them you love them. Because love, i’ve found, is much sweeter than even the finest of chocolates.